What Termites Swarm at Night
Termites swarm at night for several reasons. They are highly active insects, and they are attracted to light and humidity. These factors cause them to come out of their nests. During this time, they release chemical signals that help them find a food source.
The swarms can be very frightening. Some homeowners may not be aware that they have a termite problem until they see swarms of termites forming. This can cause more damage to the home. The best thing to do is to contact a professional pest control company.
During the day, the termite colonies are working hard. Their workers are creating small exit holes in wooden structures. These holes allow the swarmers to fly out of the structure. They are then able to find a dry, dark area to build a new colony.
The subterranean termite is the most common type of termite. They are dark in color and have thin wings. They live in mud tubes that were constructed by soldiers. They are attracted to light and will fly after rain.
Another type of swarming termite is the dry wood termite. They also swarm at night, but they leave marks on the home. During the day, they are usually found in underground colonies.
Winged ants are also known to swarm at night. They are social insects, and often come out looking for new partners. The high humidity and light at night triggers them to leave the nest.