What Does it Mean When You See Flying Termites Outside?
Termite swarms are a natural phenomenon that occurs in the spring and summer. This is when termites try to form new colonies and search for food. It’s not uncommon to see swarms indoors, and sometimes they die on windows or window sills. However, if you notice swarming activity outdoors, it’s likely that they came from a nearby underground nest.
The best way to identify flying termites is to take a close look at the insect. They can be easily confused with flying ants, but they have a different body structure. They have two body segments that are slightly longer than they are wide. They also have straight antennae.
When a mature female termite takes flight, she is known as a swarmer. She is looking for mates, and she will leave her colony in search of a new location. If she finds a suitable place, she will impregnate her mate. Then she will return to her nest.
Swarming is usually short-lived. Typically, swarmers will fly away in the early part of the day, and they will remain in the air for only a few hours. Depending on the season, swarming may happen as early as January or as late as May. If you are unsure whether your swarm is a swarm or an ant, contact a pest control service.
You should always treat any wood that is in contact with soil with a termiticide barrier. This is to prevent termites from eating the wood.