What Does a Termite Taste Like?
Insects are eaten around the world for various reasons. Some people eat them to increase their protein intake, while others use them as livestock feed. In fact, in rural Africa, bugs account for 60 percent of dietary protein.
One of the most popular edible insects is the termite. These small insects are commonly boiled or fried. They are a great source of protein and have a nutty flavor. They are also known to be high in amino acids and fat.
They are an ideal source of food for many people, but they are not dangerous to humans. Unlike other bugs, they don’t carry harmful diseases.
The most common termite species to be eaten in Africa is Macrotermes bellicosus. This type of insect is usually consumed in Zambia, Nigeria, and the Republic of Congo.
Termites are also widely consumed in South America. Their taste is similar to a roasted carrot. In some countries, they are sold as raw snacks.
The larvae of sago grubs are another example of a delicious edible insect. The sago grubs are known to have a meaty and mild flavor. They can be steamed or roasted.
The termite alates are another edible insect. The alates are known to have a pleasant taste and a sweet smell. They can be added to salad toppings or served with mexican tortillas. The alates have a net weight of about 5 grams. They can be bought online or at health food stores.