What Are the Signs of Having Termites?
Termites are small, white, social insects that live in colonies. They eat wood from the inside out. The damage caused by termites can be extensive and expensive. They can cause sagging floors, window frames and doors, crumbling baseboards, and more.
In order to survive, termites need a moist environment. They create holes, called mud tubes, that allow them to get to moisture in the soil. The tubes are often hidden behind siding and under floorboards. They look like narrow veins of mud that run along the side of the home.
If you see any of these signs, you should call a pest control company right away. If you don’t, they can quickly become a much larger problem.
Termites can be found in a variety of places. They are most common in basement windowsills and cobwebs. They may also be hiding in the cracks of your walls, floorboards, and other wooden structures. They are very sensitive to light and vibration. If you notice any of these things, contact a residential pest control company as soon as possible.
Termite swarms occur during the spring and fall. These swarmers are mate-seeking insects that leave their nests to find a new location to start a colony. Swarmers can also leave piles of wings outside of the home.
Termite colonies can eat up to a pound of wood every day. They can be extremely noisy, but not loud enough to keep people awake at night.