Tenting For Termites
When tenting for termites, you will need to make some preparations. The tenting procedure can take anywhere from 24 hours to a week, depending on the size of your home. You’ll also need to remove essential items from your home.
Before tenting for termites, you should ensure that all gas and electrical appliances are turned off. This will prevent fire hazards from occurring.
You should also be sure to remove all pet bedding, clothing, food and medications from your home. This will help the pest control professionals to safely apply the termite treatment.
You’ll also need to take steps to protect your plants. This includes trimming foliage that is near your home’s foundation.
Another important step in the tenting process is using a warning agent. The warning agent is usually a chemical.
The fumes that you inhale when tenting for termites can be dangerous. They can cause vomiting, sweating, itchy skin, and even labored breathing. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s best to seek medical attention.
To avoid these effects, you should be sure to store any chemicals in plastic containers or sealed storage bags. If you’re not sure about how to do this, you can always ask a technician.
Once you have completed the preparations, you can move on to the tenting process. This is an effective way to kill termites. The tent will help prevent the release of fumes that could damage your plants.
After the treatment, you should follow up with a re-inspection. This will allow you to see if there are any new signs of a termite infestation. If you find any, you may need to tent again.