How Fast Can Termites Destroy a House?

Termites can cause serious damage to your home. If you do not act quickly, you could end up losing a lot of money to repair and rebuild the structure.

The size of the colony has a lot to do with the speed at which damage is done. The faster the colony grows, the more structural damage it can do. A large colony can destroy a whole home in a single year.

The largest subterranean termite colony can eat up to a pound of wood a day. A smaller one can take three to eight years to make any noticeable damage.

The number of termites in a colony can also affect the speed of damage. A smaller colony will eat up more wood more slowly than a large colony. In fact, termites can take over a house in less than a year if they are not found quickly.

A termite colony can consist of up to a million termites. A large colony can have up to two million termites. Each member of a termite colony has a specific job to do. The queen is in charge of reproduction and the king is in charge of growth and survival. The king and the queen must reproduce several times before they reach their full potential.

To avoid termites, you should keep your home clean. You should also install proper ventilation. You can also turn on dehumidifiers to keep your home at an ideal humidity. If you live in a humid area, you should make sure your pipes and faucets are properly sealed.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!