How Do Termites Need Water to Live?
If you’ve ever seen termites, you may have wondered how they survive. These insects can live for weeks without food, but they need water for hydration. They also need a constant source of moisture to digest cellulose.
They can get most of their water from the soil. They can survive underwater for extended periods, but they will begin to die once they are exposed to a low amount of oxygen. During this time, they enter an immobile state. This allows for a very high rate of oxygen conservation.
Some species of termites prefer to live below ground. These subterranean termites build mud tubes that lead to their food sources. These colonies can grow large. They are often found near timber-framed houses.
Termites can also breed in standing water. In order to avoid this, you can remove any standing water. You can also use mulch and other materials to make your yard less attractive to termites.
Termites like moist, dark, and warm places. They don’t like direct sunlight, but they will work together to block it. They are attracted to cellulose, which is the main food in wood. They will also feed on wood scraps.
Termites can be attracted to leaking pipes. If you discover a leaking pipe, it can be a good idea to have it repaired. This will not only prevent termites from entering your home, but will help to eliminate the risk of pooling water.
The best way to ensure that your home doesn’t have termites is to keep the structure well ventilated. A properly-ventilated home will prevent moisture from building up.