How Common Are Termites in NY?

Termites are one of the most destructive pests that can infest your home. They are not able to bite you, but they can cause damage that is serious enough to ruin your flooring and walls. In fact, termites are so destructive that they cost American consumers $2 billion each year.

Termites are a major concern for New York residents. This is especially true when considering that they are one of the few insects that are active all year.

Termites can be spotted throughout the state of New York. These insects are especially common in the Upstate region. A subterranean termite can cause thousands of dollars in damage. These insects live in colonies that can contain hundreds of thousands of members, depending on the age of the colony.

Termites can be divided into three castes. The largest group is the worker. These small, pale-colored insects are tasked with foraging for food and caring for the young in the colony. They also regurgitate cellulose to other members of the colony.

The second largest group are the soldiers. These larger insects have large, dark-colored heads. These insects are also tasked with protecting the colony from predators. They have bigger mandibles than the workers.

When a colony reaches maturity, the queen will lay thousands of eggs daily. These females will grow up to four inches in length and are the most influential members of the colony. They are able to survive for up to twenty years.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!