How Can Termites Harm You?

When it comes to health, termites are not known to be harmful to humans. However, they do have some potential effects on our bodies.

If you have an allergy to certain kinds of insects, your immune system may react adversely to termites. If your allergies are severe, you might have to see your doctor. They could prescribe antibiotics.

If you live in a home, termites can cause mold and mildew to grow. When they chew through wood, these fungi can spread to other areas of your home. The spores can also be inhaled and can trigger asthma attacks. If you are experiencing breathing problems or other symptoms, you should get medical attention immediately.

Even though termites are not dangerous to humans, they can still cause skin irritations. They can also sting, causing itching, swelling, and burning. The bites will feel like a pinprick. The irritation will go away within a few days.

While termites do not pose a direct threat to humans, they can make a home unsafe for occupancy. They can also cause structural damage to a building. This can cost money to fix.

Termites can cause Sick Building Syndrome. This is a type of fungal infection that affects people who live in houses that have been infested by termites. This can occur if the mold and mildew spores are allowed to spread into other areas of the house.

There are many ways to prevent termites from entering your home. You can hire a professional pest control company to protect your property. You can also use natural remedies to keep the infestation at bay.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!