How Big Are Termites Australia?
Termites are tiny insects that live underground, and are found throughout Australia. They are one of the most destructive pests to our country, and can cause serious damage to our homes and buildings. These small creatures build large nests in wood, which they then use as shelter.
They have a long life span, and can live up to 25 years. A single colony of Coptotermes can contain up to a million termites. Some species of Coptotermes build mounds, while others eat grass or leaf litter.
During the early stages of the colony, the queen lays a few eggs a day. These nymphs then develop into a soldier form. They then moult several times before developing into a reproductive form.
They also bang their heads to warn other termites of danger. They have special gut organisms that break down woody cellulose into sugars. They also recycle wood to the soil to help the soil retain water.
The termite colony is made up of a king and queen, who care for their young at an early stage. They mate and create a small mating chamber. In the first few months of their lives, the alates (the reproductive termites) drop wings and become workers.
They have parallel-sided heads, and the soldiers are four-and-a-half millimetres long. They can be extremely destructive to structures, fruit trees, lead piping, and plastic cable insulation.
They are not a very common species, but are still found in many areas of Australia. They attack a wide variety of tree species, and can damage ornamental and agricultural crops.