Do Termites Make Noise?
If you’ve ever wondered if termites make noise, you’re not alone. Termites are small, blind, and deaf, and they communicate with their senses through vibrations. They produce a variety of sounds. Some of them are extremely loud, while others are hardly recognizable.
The most common noise made by termites is head-banging. This sound is produced when termites feel threatened. It is a loud, dry rattling sound, which is created when soldier termites bang their heads against the walls of tunnels or other wooden structures.
Termites can also make a soft clicking noise. This is caused by termites feeding on wood and breaking its cellulose. It is quieter than head-banging, but can be heard when termites are large or have a large infestation.
Other types of noises made by termites include rustling, humming, snapping, popping, and crunching. They are not typically heard inside a house. However, if you hear them, you may want to call a pest control professional to investigate your home.
Other creatures can also make sound, such as cicadas, raccoons, and mice. They are more likely to be heard than termites. If you have an acoustic device, you can listen for their sounds.
If you want to know if termites are present in your home, you should contact a pest control specialist. If you have an acoustic hearing device, you can listen for termite sounds at night. If you don’t have one, you can also listen for termite noises by tapping on the wooden areas of your home.