Do Termites Just Go Away?
It is not uncommon to find a termite in your home, but they do not always go away. They can actually cause serious damage to your property. If you suspect you have a termite infestation, get an inspection as soon as possible. If you are lucky, you may be able to save your home from costly repairs.
One of the best ways to keep termites out of your home is to seal up leaky faucets, water pipes, and other areas where they can enter your home. It is also helpful to have a professional do a regular inspection of your home. A good termite company should be able to detect any termite activity without causing any damage.
Generally, there are two main types of termites. There are subterranean termites and drywood termites. The latter are known for their ability to survive in damp and wet conditions.
During its lifetime, a termite colony can expand to more than 150 feet. A colony can produce a swarm, which is a swarm of termites that flies out to form a new colony. The swarm typically lasts for 30 to 40 minutes.
While a termite swarm is not something you want to see, it is a useful metric of how active your termite population is. While it does not necessarily mean that your home is infested, it does indicate that you need to do more to protect your investment.
It is not uncommon for termites to leave a little something behind. They can leave behind tiny holes that look like nail holes or other signs of their presence.