Do Termites Have Stripes?

When you are looking at termites, you may wonder if they have stripes. There are many different kinds of termites, but they are all similar in appearance. In most cases, they are brown in color. There are also some species that are white.

Termites are small, soft insects that look a bit like ants. Termites can be found all over the United States. They can live in the soil or aboveground. They feed on wood and paper. The larvae of these insects can be quite destructive to buildings. They can cause thousands of dollars in damage. They can hide in cabinets or closets. They can wreak havoc on wallpaper and painted surfaces.

The termite colony is divided into three different castes. The caste that is most important to the colony is the worker. They are the ones who forage for food and carry it back to the colony. They are the largest caste of termites. The second most important group in the colony is the termite king. He takes care of the larvae until the workers become available. The king produces chemicals to control the colony’s functions.

Other castes include the alates. These termites have wings. Their wings have a brown color, and they are characterized by two dark stripes along the front of their wings. Their bodies are also similar to termites. They measure just over an inch in length.

The reproductive caste is made up of the king, queen, and secondary reproductives. The reproductives are the ones who lay eggs. They produce several at first. When the colony reaches maturity, they mate to form new colonies. During swarming periods, the reproductives can produce thousands of swarmers.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!