Do Ants Keep Termites Away?

If you have an ant infestation, you may be wondering if ants keep termites away. It is true that ants are a natural predator of termites, but not all species are good at it. If you do see ants in your house, you should contact a pest control company for help.

There are three main types of ants. The “worker” caste, which is responsible for damage to wood, has no wings and only forages for food.

Unlike the “worker” caste, the “warrior” caste is designed for combat. It consists of an individual that has a battle head. It is the most common type of ant found in termite colonies.

Termites are a much larger animal than ants. They are also incredibly clever. They have a strong, hard outer shell. They can survive in areas where ants cannot. They can also escape and build their own nests.

Termites can be a real nuisance to home owners. Their mounds can last for generations. They can cause serious damage to homes if they enter the walls or roof.

Unlike ants, termites can be killed by nematodes and wasps. You can prevent them from entering your home by regulating moisture in your home. If you live in an area with high humidity, you should check the roof for leaks.

In most areas, ants and termites coexist. However, there are times when ants are more efficient at keeping termites out of the nest.

Those looking to rid their home of ants should consider non-repellent insecticides. These sprays will stick to the ants but not the termites.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!