Can You Hear Termites Make Noise at Night?
If you have a termite infestation, you may be wondering if you can hear them at night. This is a question that many homeowners have.
Depending on the type of termite and the level of acoustic capabilities in your home, you may or may not be able to hear them. If you can hear them, it’s a good idea to call a pest control professional to help you remove them.
During the mating season, you may hear termites make a buzzing sound. This can be hard to distinguish from other noises made by other insects, but it’s usually not difficult to detect.
You can also hear a clicking or popping sound when you’re close to a termite-infested home. If you have a stethoscope, it’s easy to hear this sound. You should also check to see if any areas of your home are hollow. If you can see the hollow area, this is a sign of termite damage.
Other creatures, like raccoons and rats, may build a nest in your home. This means that you’ll have to keep your eyes and ears open for any strange noises.
Head banging is another noticeable noise. This sound is produced by soldier termites. These termites bang their heads against the wall to alert other members of their colony. The banging is an effective signal to other members of the colony that they are being attacked.
If you hear any of these sounds, you should try tapping the wall where the termites are. If you can’t, it’s a good idea to contact a pest control professional to help you eliminate the problem.