Can You Hear Termites in Your Walls?

Termites are one of the most common insects to cause damage to your home. They chew on wooden material and can destroy large areas of your home. They are very deaf and silent, making them difficult to detect. But with a little bit of know-how and some specialized equipment, you can detect termite infestations in your home.

Depending on your particular hearing abilities, you may be able to hear the sound of termites in your walls. There are several types of noises made by termites, though. They may be heard during the day or at night, but they will most likely be difficult to pinpoint. Using a stethoscope or a hearing aid can be an effective way to listen for their noises.

The best way to tell if you have an infestation is to have a professional inspect your home for termites. Having a qualified person come in to perform an evaluation of your property can save you a lot of headaches and heartaches. They can also help you identify any pests in your walls. If you can’t afford a professional, look for other signs that you have an infestation.

While it is not exactly scientific, it is believed that termites use low-frequency noises to detect their surroundings. This may result in the creation of a humming noise. Similarly, the use of wind can create a similar sound.

There are a number of other pests that can make similar noises. While they don’t have the same capabilities, mice and rats may create some of the same chirping and rustling sounds. Likewise, flying squirrels can create a gnawing sound.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!