Can Termites Cause Hives?
Termites are insects that are related to cockroaches. They build nests in the soil underneath your home. They eat wood to help it decompose. They have powerful jaws.
Some people are allergic to the chemicals in termite saliva. This can lead to a number of health problems, including dermatitis. The condition causes dry, itchy skin. It can also cause oozing and blistering. If you experience any of these symptoms after a termite bite, you should seek medical attention.
Termite stings can be extremely painful. The venom can have a serious effect on people with weak immune systems. This can cause asthma and other respiratory issues.
Mold can grow in the same areas where termites are found. It can cause a variety of health problems, including a sore throat, a runny nose, and migraine headaches. The spores of mold can collect in your indoor air. They can then spread to other parts of your home.
If you have a mild asthma, you can develop an allergy to termites. This can result in chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes. It can also cause a whistling sound in the chest. Some people mistakenly think they are sick when they suffer from cold-like symptoms.
Termite droppings can also trigger an allergic reaction in some people. In the same way, cockroaches are known to produce proteins that can induce an asthmatic reaction.
Several species of termites build nests in the ground and in foods. These nests include wood and other materials, such as paper. In addition to causing damage to homes, these nests can spread mould.