Are Termites Good For Trees?
Are termites good for trees? The answer depends on the type of tree. Some are naturally inhospitable to termites, while others may be attractive. Some species of termites are known to feed on live trees, while other species prefer to live in dead wood.
When a tree is infested with termites, it will become unstable and fall. This will not only damage your property, but also cause liability issues. The best way to prevent this from happening is to determine whether or not the tree is infested with termites. If you are unsure, contact a tree doctor to examine the health of the tree.
The most common sign of an infestation is mud tubes. These tubes are usually hidden inside creases in the bark. The base of the tree is a good spot to inspect for termite damage. If you see any signs of termite damage, it is important to remove the tree to stop it from spreading.
Another common sign of an infestation is the presence of alates. These termites are reproductive, and when they are at their reproductive stage, they will fly away from their colony to search for a new home. If you find alates, you should treat the tree.
You can also inspect for termites by pulling the bark back from the tree. This will reveal termite tunnels. You should also look for dead wood on the tree. This wood will attract termites, so you should cut it off. You can then treat the tree to discourage the termites from returning.