Are Termites Common in the UK?
Termites are not common in the UK. They normally occur in warmer parts of the world. However, they are now endemic in southern Europe due to globalisation. They are usually imported into the UK.
In the early 1990s, subterranean termites were discovered in a house in Devon. They were thought to have come from Eastern Europe. They were found to be living in the ground under two bungalows in the vicinity. The local pest controller was contacted. He noticed some white ant-like creatures which measured half a centimetre long.
The Building Research Establishment (BRE) inspected the site. It was then decided to ban wood from the site and to remove all soil from the property. A eradication programme was set up to eliminate the colony. The first attempt failed because the bait was not sufficiently tempting to the termites. The second attempt was made with untreated Scots pines.
The eradication programme was carried out by a number of government agencies. The UK Termite Eradication Programme began in 1998. It involved hundreds of thousands of pounds and dozens of scientists. It was supposed to use state-of-the-art techniques. The eradication programme ended in October of this year.
The Department for Housing and Communities has also been involved. They provide rapid response to termite infestations. When a house is sold, it is required to give a “termite free” certificate.
After the eradication programme, a monitoring inspection was carried out six months later. No sign of termite activity was found.