Are Termites Bad in North Carolina?

Termites are one of the most common insects that cause damage to homes in the United States. According to the National Pest Management Association, they cause an estimated $5 billion in damage annually.

The most common type of termites in North Carolina are subterranean termites. These creatures are often found in humid, warm areas. They construct thin mud tubes along the foundation of homes. These tunnels allow termites to find food sources. They eat wood and other materials that contain cellulose.

Besides eating, subterranean termites build nests. Their nests are hollow tubes made of mud and saliva. The workers in these nests are cream-colored.

During cold winter months, termite activity decreases. Despite this, it’s important to have a protective treatment. A non-liquid treatment can be used, but it must be approved by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services.

Although it’s possible to protect your home from termites, it can be a difficult task. Unless you know what to look for, you may not recognize an infestation until it is too late.

Termites can bite humans, but they rarely do so. It’s hard to tell if your house is infested, as they can move in undetected. Having a termite control service check your property is the only way to find out for sure.

If you see a swarm of termites flying around your home, it is an important indicator of a problem. If you do not catch it in time, it can destroy the entire structure of your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!