Wolf Spiders
Wolf Spiders are the most common type of spider on earth. These spiky, hairy creatures are also commonly confused with tarantulas. They are typically tan or brown, but their coloring is variable, with a variety of patterns. They live in all kinds of habitats. They usually stay on the ground, but some species are known to climb trees and plants. They eat insects and other invertebrates. They are sometimes even found inside homes. They are generally not dangerous, but they can bite.
Female wolf spiders can care for up to 100 baby spiders, which are called “spiderlings.” These small animals are born from an egg sac and spend several weeks riding on the mother’s back. Once the young are ready to venture out on their own, the mother helps them out by opening the egg sac.
Wolf spiders are nocturnal, and they have a remarkable ability to see in the dark. Their eyes are large and highly reflective. They are also very sensitive to vibrations on the ground. This means they are able to survive when other predators are lurking.
During the day, wolf spiders burrow into the ground. They usually do not make webs, and their burrows are normally shallow. They can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including woods, farm fields, and gardens. Some wolf spiders even build nests or tunnels in the ground.
The diet of wolf spiders varies widely, but they usually eat insects. They also eat worms and other invertebrates. In addition, they eat dead animal parts.