Why Do Spiders Leave Their Webs at Night?
If you are a fan of spiders, you may have wondered why some leave their webs while others do not. In fact, many spiders do not leave their webs when they sleep.
Orb weaver spiders are often nocturnal. During the day, they hide under tall plants or dead leaves. At night, they rebuild their web. This is to keep large animals from getting caught in it.
Orbweavers build webs up to three feet in diameter. They usually build them at night, but some species construct them throughout the day. They build them in order to catch flying insects. Some also dismantle them when the sun rises.
They also use vibrations to detect their prey. This is especially effective during mating season. Females will lay their eggs in a thick egg sac. They will then cover the eggs with a cocoon. These are similar to the cocoons used by butterflies.
They build their webs using silk. The silk is a light material. On slight breezes, the silk will float. The spider will then use the silk to move it along the proper site. The silk will then snag on solid objects. The spider will then shoot venom into its prey. This will turn the guts of its prey into a liquid.
Orbweavers have poor eyesight, so they rely on vibrations to locate their prey. These vibrations are most effective when they are using the web to attract a mate.
They usually do not eat very often. Some are also vegetarians, but they still need to drink their liquid guts to stay hydrated.