Why Do I Keep Seeing Spiders in My Dreams?
Seeing spiders in your dreams can be an indicator of personal growth, spiritual awakening, and new beginnings. The symbolism behind spiders is complex and depends on the context of the dream.
One of the most common symbols associated with spiders is the message of luck, fertility, protection, and creativity. Many people see these as messages from the divine and the spirit world. These symbols encourage you to tap into your inner wisdom and use your creative talents to manifest your highest reality.
Another common association with spiders is fear. If you are afraid of spiders, it could be a sign of your energetic imbalance. Creating a healthy distance between yourself and the spiders in your dreams may help you to overcome your fears.
In waking life, it is possible to see spiders in your home. These creatures can be a source of stress or anxiety for many. Getting rid of pests can be an important step in securing your physical, emotional, and financial security.
You can also expect to find spiders in your bed. This may indicate that you are feeling unworthy or inadequate. A poor self-image is sometimes a sign of depression. If you are feeling trapped, it may be a sign that you need to look inward to understand why you are feeling stuck. You could also be learning that you have the power to break free.
You can also see spiders falling from above. These are often seen as signs of inspiration and guiding visions.