Why Are Tiny Spiders Called Money Spiders?

Money spiders are small, dark, eight-legged creatures with hairy skin. They are found all over the world. They are a member of the family Linyphiidae. They are also known as sheet weavers.

Some people consider money spiders good luck because they are associated with financial prosperity. In ancient Rome, they were considered harbingers of good fortune. Today, it is believed that they are good for pest control.

These spiders are usually harmless. But, they can be a bit aggressive. When a money spider bites, it can cause swelling and redness. The best way to identify a money spider is to have an expert with a microscope look at it.

Some species of money spiders have distinctive markings and colorations. Most have long, slender brown legs.

Money spiders have a habitat that includes holes in the ground, exposed roots, and low vegetation. Their webs are delicate and highly functional. They can adjust the size and structure of their webs to accommodate their prey. They can also make vertical snares in sheet webs.

Some species are monophagous, meaning they only feed on a particular type of termite. Others are polyphagous, meaning they can sustain themselves on other types of prey. They can live for up to a year.

Some species have a large number of eyelids. The rows of eyes are shaped like monsters. Most species have eight eyes.

One species is found in Nepal. It was formally described by Tanasevitch in April 2021.

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