What Spiders Are in Australia?

In Australia, there are a number of highly venomous spiders. These can be very dangerous and may cause death if they bite. But there are some safe ways to deal with them.

One of the most common types of spiders in Australia is the huntsman. These spiders are widespread in the country and are active at night. They eat flies and other small insects. They live in forests and other vegetated areas. They hide in dark secluded places.

Redback spiders are also found in many countries, but their native habitat is Australia. These spiders have a distinctive black color with a large red hourglass marking under their abdomen. They make webs on sheltered objects, such as mailboxes and garden sheds.

The northern tree funnel-web spider is another type of funnel-web spider. This species is found in southern Queensland. They are about 4-5 cm long. They are not as aggressive as the Sydney funnel-web spider.

The Sydney funnel-web spider is the most venomous spider in Australia. They can kill a human in 15 minutes, and the venom they produce is neurotoxic. It causes multiple organ failure. It lives in burrows lined with silk. It can move into your backyard and attack humans. It can also pierce toenails and fabric.

The mouse spider is another common Australian spider. It is closely related to the trap door spider. It is not as large as a tarantula, but it has large fangs. It can wander at night and can be extremely dangerous if it digs in your garden.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!