What Small Spiders Are Poisonous?

There are over 43,000 species of spiders in the world. While most are harmless, some are poisonous. They are also known to be a source of pain and death for humans. The most common arachnids that bite humans are spiders, though they are not the only arachnids that can cause problems.

One of the most dangerous spiders is the six-eyed sand spider. Its venom is cytotoxic, meaning that it kills cells, destroys tissues, and damages blood vessels. The venom has been shown to be fatal to rabbits in just five hours. This type of spider can be found in South and Central America.

Another poisonous spider is the yellow sac spider. These spiders are known to be active hunters, searching for prey at night. They are found throughout the United States, Mexico, and South America. The species vary in size from three to 15 mm. They are typically found indoors.

The false widow spider is also a very deadly arachnid. This arachnid’s venom can damage the central nervous system, causing cerebral paralysis, permanent neurological damage, and even death. It has been cited as the most deadly arachnid in the UK.

Daddy longleg spiders are also considered extremely dangerous. They are seven to nine millimeters in size, and have very long legs. They usually make their webs in houses, and often eat insects. They are also known to hold their eggs on their palp, until they hatch.

The redback spider is another very dangerous arachnid. Its venom is known to cause muscle rigidity and vomiting, as well as breathing difficulties and diaphragmatic paralysis.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!