Should I Spray My House For Spiders?
Spiders are a common pest in North America. They are not dangerous, but they can bite, causing skin reactions in some people. While most species are harmless, there are some that are dangerous, like the brown recluse spider. If you think you may have a spider problem, consider using a natural spray or insect traps.
To avoid spiders, seal up any cracks in your home. This helps keep it warm and prevents it from becoming an ideal place for unwanted pests. Make sure that all food is properly stored and sealed, and that flies and other insects are kept away from it.
If you notice spiders around your house, consider a natural repellent, such as peppermint oil. This essential oil emits a very strong scent that spiders dislike. You can spread it on cotton balls, or use it to spray your doorway, along floorboards, and anywhere else that you see spiders.
There are also sticky glue traps you can use. These are available over the counter at home and garden stores. They are a great way to remove unwanted spiders, but you should keep them away from your pets. When used, be sure to change them out regularly. You should also make sure they are out of reach of children.
You should also consider sprinkling diatomaceous earth on your yard. This is a fossilized algae, and it can help you keep your yard free from spiders.
If you do find a spider, walk the spider at least 10 feet from your home, and slide a piece of paper under it. This will force the spider to land on the ground.