Is Wolf Spider Venom Dangerous?

Wolf spiders are not bad at all. They are actually beneficial to humans, performing a valuable service by hunting insects. However, if you want to avoid having to deal with these pests, it is best to hire a professional pest control service.

You may ask yourself, “Is wolf spider venom dangerous?” There is no doubt that a wolf spider bite can be painful and cause an allergic reaction. But a wolf spider bite is not as severe as a bee sting.

If you are worried about being bitten by a wolf spider, there are a few things you can do to prevent getting a bite. One is to keep your surroundings clean and decluttered.

Another thing you can do is to keep your home cool. When it gets hot, wolf spiders tend to migrate indoors. This is especially true during the fall and winter.

If you do get a bite from a wolf spider, try to wash the area with warm soap and water. You can also apply a bandage to the wound to prevent infection.

It is also a good idea to carry a flashlight. This way, you will have the light to scare off any other insects that might be trying to get into your house.

Lastly, you can use a product called boric acid to kill any wolf spiders that might try to sneak into your house. Boric acid is an abrasive, which means it will scratch through the exoskeleton of the spider and kill it.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!