Is Spiders Good Luck?
Throughout the ages, people have attributed many things to spiders. These include good luck and bad luck. Several different countries and cultures have developed a variety of superstitions related to spiders.
In some countries, spiders are considered delicacies, while others believe that killing them will bring bad luck. However, there are a few spiders that are considered good luck.
Seeing a spider spinning a web is a good omen. Spiders can also predict the arrival of an important letter.
The black widow is considered a lucky spider, as it signifies prosperity. It is also associated with health. Some people will wear an amulet shaped like a spider to attract more money and success.
In some countries, a spider dropping from the ceiling is a bad omen. On the other hand, a spider spinning a web across a door is a good omen.
A spider that crawls down a wall is also a good omen. A spider on the wall is a symbol of hope, while a spider in the drawer indicates that you will be getting new clothing.
A spider spinning its web is a good omen, but it might be best not to kill it. This is because stepping on it will supposedly bring a downpour of rain.
Taking a spider home and displaying it is a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. Some even recommend giving it jewelry. Besides, they can be a good source of protection from insects.