How Spiders See the World
Jumping spiders have eight eyes, which can help them to see the world better. Their eyesight is among the best in the animal kingdom. Interestingly, their eyesight is five times less acute than human vision. However, despite their lack of sharp vision, they can detect color and prey.
The primary eyes of jumping spiders are very large. They look black in the dark. They are surrounded by a reflective layer that increases the sensitivity of the eyes in low light.
They are also very good at detecting motion. When a moving object enters their field of view, they will use their lateral eyes to track it. In addition to this, their principal eyes will help them to detect patterns.
These eyes can be arranged in different ways, depending on the species of spider. Usually, the first two pairs of eyes are located on the front of the head, and the last pair is situated on the side of the head.
While most spiders have terrible eyesight, their secondary eyes are very good at detecting movement. This helps the spider to sense the distance of their prey.
Another function of the tapetum lucidum is to reflect light back through the retina. These lenses allow the spider to see in low light. Using a special filter, the spider can also perceive colors.
Some species of jumping spiders have a very good eyelid, which allows them to avoid people. They can see the outline of people, but they cannot perceive their faces.