How Much Spiders Does a Person Eat?
When it comes to how much spiders do a person eat, there is no one answer. There are different estimates depending on who you ask.
Depending on your source, the average number of spiders a human eats in a year can be between four and eight. But it is unlikely that someone would swallow more than a handful of spiders in a single day. In fact, it is highly unlikely that a person would swallow more than one in a lifetime.
The idea that a person could swallow a spider is a common urban legend. The idea is that a sleeping person will ingest spiders as they fall into their mouth. Apparently, there are several unusual circumstances that must be met for this to happen.
Some people claim to have eaten a spider, and others say that they have swallowed several dozen. But the truth is that no scientific evidence supports these claims.
According to researchers, the total population of spiders on Earth weighs more than 25 million metric tons. This amount is roughly equal to the weight of the Titanic. This means that, in theory, a spider could theoretically eat the entire human race.
This myth is not based on any scientific evidence, but it has taken root online. A former columnist for Computing Magazine, Lisa Holst, has been credited with popularizing the myth, writing an article about the “facts” on the Internet.
Whether a sleeping person ingests spiders or not, it is a highly unlikely event. Most people sleep with their mouth closed. The spider would have to crawl over a sleeping person’s face in order to get into the mouth. It would never stay in the mouth for a long time.