How Much Eggs Do Spiders Lay?
The answer to the question how much eggs do spiders lay is dependent on a variety of factors. Some spiders may produce only one egg sac, while others will create multiple egg sacs. Generally speaking, though, spiders will lay between two and one thousand eggs.
A spider will also consider factors such as its proximity to prey and the likelihood of predators. Indoor spiders will typically lay their eggs in a dark, secluded area. Outdoor spiders will often attach their egg sacs to a leaf or tree.
Some female spiders are able to lay hundreds of eggs at a time. These females wrap the eggs in silk and then appoint them in an egg sac. They then cover the egg sac with additional silk. Several weeks later, the eggs hatch.
In some cases, the eggs of a certain species will develop into live spiders. Usually, these eggs are white, pearly, or green. Eggs can be shaped like balls or teardrops.
Female spiders carry their babies around until they are big enough to leave the egg sac. After they are born, the baby spiders will settle near the nest for nourishment. However, they will sometimes venture out on their own, to fend for themselves.
Spiders are good mothers. They will defend their eggs at any time. Many will even sacrifice themselves to protect their babies.
There are many different species of spiders. Some have a lifespan of two or more years, while other species will survive through the winter months.