How Much Does It Cost To Spray For Brown Recluse Spiders?
If you are wondering how much does it cost to spray for brown recluse spiders, you should know that the costs vary, depending on the size of the infestation. If your property has a large number of these spiders, the costs could be in the thousands of dollars.
A brown recluse spider is a venomous pest that can cause serious health complications if it bites a human. It is typically found in the southern United States. It is best to get the help of a professional if you suspect that you have an infestation.
Using contact aerosol products to kill the spiders is usually the first step. The technician will assess the extent of the spider’s infestation and determine the most effective way to treat it. The technician may also decide to use a multi-tiered plan of attack. This allows him or her to target the spiders in their hiding places.
Another method that a professional can use is using diatomaceous earth. This method is effective and safe for both humans and pets. The powder works slowly and creates microscopic cuts in the body of the spider. The spiders must walk over the powder to be effective.
If you don’t want to pay a professional, you can also try using an apple cider vinegar and water solution. This is not the most popular technique, but it has been used to kill brown recluses.
A thorough cleaning of your house is also an effective way to kill the spiders. Make sure to seal holes and cracks in the exterior walls, or use silicone caulk to prevent the insects from entering the home.