How Many Spiders Are in the World?
Spiders are one of the most diverse groups of animals on the planet. They are small but powerful, living in a variety of habitats and preying on various insects. While many species are harmless, others are dangerous. The venom of some can cause allergic reactions and fatalities.
Scientists estimate that there are more than 43,000 different types of spiders in the world. They live on every continent except Antarctica.
The number of individual spiders depends on the type of spider and the terrain. Some populations may have a density of up to a thousand individuals per square mile.
According to some estimates, there are as many as 400 million to 800 million tons of insects that spiders consume every year. This would make them the largest predators in terrestrial environments.
While they are not known to attack humans, their venom can cause skin lesions and fatalities. The venom of some spiders is a dangerous substance that can linger in the skin for days.
Some larger spiders also feed on birds and lizards. These are called huntsman spiders. However, other species are herbivorous.
A recent study discovered that the average density of spiders in the world is 140 to 840 individuals per square meter. That would mean that there are 21 quadrillion spiders on Earth.
Despite the fact that some are venomous, many spiders are harmless. There are only about 30 species that are known to harm humans.
Most spiders are nocturnal and prey on insects. Nevertheless, they can still be considered pest control professionals. Using a wide range of strategies, they can trap flies in their webs.