How Long Do Spiders Live in the UK?
In the UK there are around 650 different species of spider. Some are dangerous, but most are harmless. While most spiders have relatively short lifespans, some species can live for years.
In the UK, there are three species of spider that can bite humans. One is the cellar spider, which is subtropical and commonly found in the north of the UK and the Shetland Islands. Another is the huntsman spider. It is a common species in southern England, Ireland and Scotland.
The four spot orb-weaver is one of the largest spiders in the UK. It is a nocturnal species, and its main prey is invertebrates. It has four spots on its abdomen that are visible. The colour of the spider varies.
The Lace Web Spider is also found in the UK. This is a very common species that can be spotted living in the holes of walls and bark. Its web is made of fine silk.
The running crab spider is an extremely common species in Wales. It is a nocturnal spider that pierces its prey from the back. It can be identified by its long legs. The female can lay eggs in the same year in warmer climates. The male can live up to 33.9 days.
The brown and yellow spider is one of the largest spiders in the country. It likes to live in dark places. It can be found in caves and tunnels, and can be found inside homes.