How Long Do Spiders Live?

The average lifespan of spiders varies widely. Some species may live as long as twenty years while others may live just a few months. The duration of a spider’s life depends on the type of spider, its environment, and the species.

Some species, such as the southern black widow spider, can live for up to three years. Others, such as the eight-legged quadragenarian spider in Australia, are said to have lived for over thirty years.

The lifespan of a spider is affected by its species, its environment, and its diet. Larger spiders have longer lifespans. They are also more likely to survive when there is a steady source of food.

Female spiders live for an average of two to three years. Males have shorter lives. They often die after mating. A female wolf spider, for example, has a lifespan of three to four years.

A house spider, on the other hand, may live as little as a year. These spiders can survive for a few months without food or water.

Spiders are carnivores. Their diets vary, but they typically eat insects. They can catch hundreds of insects per day.

They eat prey that has recently been killed or is caught in their webs. They will not usually eat siblings or babies.

Some species of spiders use their silk as a means of protecting themselves from predators. This is a good idea because it allows them to recycle proteins. Some spiders also use silk to float on warm air currents.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!