How Fast Are Wolf Spiders?
Wolf spiders are a type of arachnid, which are large, hairy creatures. They are nocturnal, which means they stay in the dark to hunt. Typically, wolf spiders are tan or brown in color. Their undersides are pale gray or light grey. The legs are strong, which allows them to run and jump. These spiders are one of the fastest arachnids.
Most wolf spiders live in the ground, but they can climb trees, as well. Wolf spiders can reach up to 2 inches in length. Despite their size, wolf spiders are not dangerous. Their venom is harmless to humans, but it can cause itching and swelling.
Female wolf spiders lay hundreds of eggs, which they then carry in an egg sac on their abdomen for several days or weeks. Afterwards, they help open the sac so their young can escape.
Unlike many arachnids, wolf spiders do not build webs. Instead, they use their speed to chase and catch prey. It isn’t uncommon for a wolf spider to move up to two feet per second.
Male wolf spiders use a series of courtship rituals to attract the females. One of these rituals involves waving their legs to signal the other wolf spiders.
Male wolf spiders also use their eyes to locate and lure the females. When the female wolf spider lays her egg sac, it contains white papery silk.
Once the baby spiders hatch, they climb onto the mother’s back for a few days or weeks. Once they become large enough, the mother carries them around until they are ready to be independent.