How Do Spiders Taste With Their Feet?
Spiders have several senses, including a ‘touchy feely’ side. They have a number of nerves that extend from their brain. A spider has two concentrations of ganglia in their prosoma, a part of the cephalothorax that forms the brain.
Spiders are opportunistic eaters. Some spiders have nets or wrap their prey in silk to trap it. However, when food is scarce, a spider may go a long time without eating.
They also have a chelicerae, a straw-like mouth, and some form of digestive juice. Spiders can detect vibrations in the air, such as the sound of air moving. This allows them to pinpoint the location of a sound source.
They can also pick up the scent of their prey. Spiders smell their prey with a set of scent-sensitive hairs on their legs. Tarantulas have an abundance of fine body hairs. These hairs allow the spider to walk on ceilings.
They have an enlarged abdomen that contains eight eyes. Some spiders, like the jumping spider, have extra side eyes.
They have a number of special sensory organs on their legs. One of these is the Malpighian tubule, a system of pipes that is analogous to the human kidney. The tubules sense chemical composition.
The spider also has a ‘book lung,’ which is a hollow tube that looks similar to a book. It connects to a slit-like opening on the underside of the spider.
Another is the opisthosoma, a back segment of the spider that contains digestive organs, reproductive glands, and circulatory systems.