How Do Spiders Remember Where They Live?
There are a lot of things we have to learn about spiders. For one, spiders do not have a good memory. They don’t remember human faces or emotions. And they don’t have a clear-cut way to find a home.
However, there is good news. While it may be true that spiders don’t have good eyesight or facial recognition, they are smart enough to remember some things. Some spiders can remember certain aspects of their prey, like the size and shape, and they can remember where the prey is in their web.
Another thing spiders can remember is a lure. If they are active hunters, they will construct a web to trap their prey. They can also use a silken thread to jump. If they do not want to jump, they can sit still.
Some spiders can also detect vibrations in their webs, and can alert them to predatory wasps. They will extend a web when needed, and rebuild it when it breaks.
There are also other tricks spiders have up their sleeve. They can use scent to identify family members, and hairs on their legs to hear possible prey. They also have exceptional route planning abilities. They will go back to a location where they have spent time before.
Finally, there is the social aspect. In fact, there are a few hundred species of spiders that have a group-oriented life. They tend to be aggressive when they are alone. But they are friendly unless they are threatened.