How Do Spiders Come Up Drains?
If you’re having a spider problem, it’s likely that you’re having trouble keeping the bugs out. They can enter your home through gaps, cracks, or old boxes. While it’s not easy to keep all the bugs out, you can close doors and windows, seal cracks, and remove clutter.
There are several natural pest control remedies that you can use to get rid of spiders. One is to use peppermint essential oil. Another is white vinegar. You can also buy a LEKEYE Drain Hair Catcher to capture and remove spiders from your drains.
Another trick is to leave a towel in the bath when you’re not in it. This will provide a spider with something to hang onto, and help them drag themselves out of the water.
You may also want to flush the spiders out of the toilet. It’s a good idea to do this once a month, or even once a week. If you don’t want to do that, you can place a rubber plug over your shower drain.
This will prevent the spiders from crawling back up the drain after you’re done washing your hands. You can also apply a little lemon peel to the drain to keep them away.
If you have a large spider problem, you might consider placing a sticky trap on a route that the spiders would take. This way, you can monitor their activity and eliminate them from your property.
The common house spider, which is a common household arachnid, can be spotted near sink and shower drains. They feed on live insects and organic matter. They’re also known for their webs.