How Do Mothballs Prevent Spiders?
If you’re looking for a way to keep spiders out of your home, moth balls can be a handy solution. They are effective in preventing spiders, as well as other pests, from settling in. However, it’s important to be careful when using them. They can be dangerous and toxic.
The main ingredient of moth balls is naphthalene. While naphthalene isn’t harmful to humans when consumed orally, it can cause damage to your lungs and brain when inhaled. It’s also toxic to pets and other animals.
Moth balls aren’t exactly the most efficient way to kill a spider, but they can be used to scare away unwanted creatures. The chemical isn’t very long-lasting, though. They vaporize relatively quickly in an open environment. They’re also effective at deterring other insects, like mice and squirrels.
The most important part of using moth balls is to use them properly. It’s important to follow the directions on the packaging and make sure you wear protective gloves. This will prevent you from ingesting the poison and ensure you aren’t exposed to it.
You can also use other essential oils to keep spiders out of your home. A few good examples include tea tree oil, lemon oil, and eucalyptus oil. The key is to get rid of the infestation in a safe, environmentally friendly way.
Aside from using essential oils, you can also install caulking to block entry points for spiders. This can be an effective method of keeping them out of your house, though it’s not as effective at window sills.