How Big Are Cellar Spiders?

If you live in a dark, damp, or moist environment, you may be curious to know how big are cellar spiders. These pholcid spiders are known for constructing webs in various parts of the home. They can be found inside and outside of homes, as well as in caves and rock piles. They are also a common pest.

These spiders have a long, thin body with eight legs. They can be tan, yellow, or gray. They typically range from six to eight millimeters in length. However, they can be up to three-quarters of an inch in size without their legs.

While most cellar spiders are not dangerous to humans, they can be a nuisance. They are highly adaptable predators, and they prey on other insects and spiders. They are particularly attracted to small moths and mosquitoes. They are also prone to cannibalism.

Some species are native to the United States, but most species are introduced from other countries. They prefer to live in dark, wet, and warm environments. They are usually found in basements, caves, and warehouses.

When they are disturbed, they will bounce around in their webs to deter potential threats. Most of the time, they will stay with their web. But occasionally, they will venture into human dwellings.

Females of the cellar spider produce three egg sacs over the course of their lifetime. These egg sacs are made of silk and hold up to sixty eggs. They also have mouthparts to hold the eggs until they hatch.

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