Does Spider Cause Ringworm?
Ringworm is a common contagious skin disease that affects a wide range of people. It is usually caused by mold-like parasites that flourish in warm, moist environments.
Ringworm commonly affects the scalp. It may appear as red, raised patches. This condition can be difficult to treat, especially if you have a weak immune system.
In severe cases, ringworm may need prescription medication. A dermatologist can determine the best medication for a ringworm rash. However, in many cases, a topical antifungal preparation is sufficient to treat ringworm.
The first step to preventing ringworm is to keep your skin dry. If you are in contact sports, make sure to wash after practice. If you are bitten by an insect, seek immediate medical assistance.
You should also avoid coming in contact with infected animals, including pets. You can prevent ringworm from spreading by cleaning items and clothes that have been shared with someone who has the disease. You can also avoid touching the infected area by washing your hands often.
Ringworm is most likely to be passed on from person to person through direct contact. This can happen when you touch an infected object or person, such as a pillow, or by wearing clothing or shoes that have been worn by an infected person.
There are many different treatments for ringworm, but they all have similar basic features. They include topical and oral antifungal medications.
If your rash doesn’t improve with a topical treatment, you should visit a doctor. The doctor can perform a skin biopsy, if necessary. The doctor can also test your skin for ringworm.