Do You Get Spider Veins When Pregnant?

If you are pregnant, you have probably heard about spider veins. The good news is, they are a common occurrence and mostly harmless. While some of them can’t be removed, the majority will disappear after your baby is born.

Spider veins occur when small veins are close to the skin. They can show up in a variety of places, including the face, neck, arms and legs. They can be itchy and can cause a burning sensation.

It’s important to know that there are many treatments available for spider veins during pregnancy. Some of these options involve sclerotherapy. The procedure involves injecting a special solution into the vein. This forces the vein to collapse and fade from sight.

Another option is compression socks. These help reduce swelling and blood clots in the lower leg. Wearing low heeled shoes can also be helpful. You can also increase circulation in your legs by elevating them while you sit or stand. You should try to stand every few minutes or so, and shift your weight from one foot to the other.

You can also prevent new spider veins from forming. Vitamin C, which is an essential component of collagen, is a good source. You should also take fiber to prevent constipation.

You should try not to cross your legs during the last months of your pregnancy. This can cause pressure in the leg veins.

You should also avoid wearing high heels. If you do, your veins may be more pronounced.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!