Do Spiders With Wings Exist?
Flying spiders are not insect predators. They prefer to consume other arachnids instead. However, they may bite if threatened. Their venom is not poisonous.
They are unique creatures to the earth. Although the bite is not lethal, it may cause pain. Some larger species can also cause lasting health concerns. But for many, the bite is not harmful.
The flying spiders use the earth’s electric field to travel. It is natural for thunderstorms to produce an electrical field around the planet. Those that are able to detect this field may fly.
A flying spider will avoid areas with heavy competition for shelter. It is therefore very unlikely to bite humans. These spiders can go as high as 16,000 feet. They spend their days hiding and night guarding their webs.
Most land spiders live near water. They can also be found in forests. There are over 200 different species of spiders. Many are harmless to humans, but they can be a problem if they are disturbed.
Some are very small and breathe directly through their bodies. Others have book lungs that are modified into tracheae. Tracheae are respiratory organs that enable a spider to live in drier habitats.
Tracheae are connected to the environment through spiracles. Several spider suborders, such as Mesothelae and Mygalomorphae, have lost the anterior spinnerets. In Mygalomorphae, the spinnerets are replaced by a cribellum. This cribellum consists of hundreds to thousands of dry silk fibers, which form a woolly structure.