Do Spiders Have Bones?
Spiders have eight legs, but they do not have bones. They have a structure called an exoskeleton. This helps spiders protect their vital organs and body. The spider’s exoskeleton is made of chitin and proteins. It also provides support and protection.
The exoskeleton is a hard and stiff structure that enables spiders to move fast and in perfect shape. Although it is a strong piece of armor, it can be broken easily. If the spider is injured, its exoskeleton may crack. In addition, the spider will not grow with its exoskeleton.
A common misconception about spiders is that they have a backbone. This is actually not true. All spiders are invertebrates, and thus, do not have a bone. Their internal skeleton, however, is much stronger than that of vertebrates.
As with many animals, spiders depend on their legs to move. Legs are covered with hairs and six joints. But despite their long legs, spiders can’t stand up straight. Rather, they move by contracting muscles and using the exoskeleton.
Most spiders have four pairs of legs. These can be used for climbing or walking on all fours. Some types of spiders have even evolved to have six pairs. Interestingly, most spiders have no spines. That means their legs have better protection against predators.
However, there is a small internal skeleton, which is not protected by an exoskeleton. Spiders are able to sense danger through their senses. Therefore, it is important that they are well protected.