Can You Get Spider Bites in the UK?

There are many species of spiders living in the UK. Nevertheless, only a few can bite humans. They usually only attack when they feel threatened. They do not kill humans, but they can cause health problems.

Some of the UK’s most common spiders include the Cross Spider, Woodlouse Spider, and Tube Web Spider. They are often found living in damp, wooded areas and can live inside buildings. They can get inside by making their way through a hole in a wall.

Tube web spiders are a particularly common type of UK spider that can be dangerous to humans. Their venom contains 40 different toxic proteins. This can overload the nervous system and cause death. If bitten by one of these creatures, you should seek medical attention immediately.

The Black Lace-Weaver Spider is another UK species that can bite. This spider’s bite is painful and will leave a visible sting. It can also cause swelling and redness. If you have been bitten by this spider, try to keep your hands clean and covered to avoid infection. Antihistamines may help with the itching and swelling.

The Daddy Long Legs Spider is one of the fastest spiders in the UK. The legs of this spider can reach 7cm in length. It has a venomous bite that can cause pain, burning, and electric shock.

The False Widow Spider is a rare species. It is a venomous spider that is sometimes mistaken for the deadly black widow spider. They are not indigenous to the UK.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!