Can Spiders Hurt You?
Spiders are not known to hurt people. However, some species are venomous. If you are bitten by a spider, it is important to identify the species and get medical advice.
There are many species of spiders, but the most common are house spiders, grass spiders and jumping spiders. House spiders are small arachnids that hunt for insects. They are typically found in houses.
Grass spiders are also large brown arachnids that build webs on decks, patios and other areas where insects are commonly found. They are not usually a problem for most people, but they do sometimes bite.
A black widow spider is another arachnid that can hurt you. Its bite is extremely painful and can result in spinal paralysis and cerebral paralysis. The spider’s venom can also cause flu-like symptoms, including fever and tremors.
Another dangerous arachnid is the brown recluse spider. This spider is known by the violin shaped marking on its head. When it bites you, the spider’s venom can cause necrotizing wounds. These wounds can lead to swelling and breathing difficulties.
Some people may be allergic to certain types of spider venom. Although this is rare, it is possible. People with atopic dermatitis may be particularly sensitive to spider venom.
If you have a phobia of spiders, you can try non-lethal eviction. You can put a trap in a cup or box, but you will not be able to guarantee success.
One thing to remember is that spiders will only bite in self-defense. If you find a bite, it is best to capture it and take it to a doctor.