Can Spiders Bite You in Your Sleep?
If you are like most people, you are probably quite terrified of bugs. Whether you are allergic to spiders, mosquitoes, fleas, or mites, the idea of being bitten by a bug is frightening. Fortunately, most spiders are harmless, and they only bite if they feel threatened.
However, there are some venomous spiders, such as the brown-recluse and false-widow spiders. These are venomous enough to cause dangerous symptoms, such as muscle cramps and nausea.
There are several ways you can avoid being bitten by spiders. One of the most obvious ways is to close all windows that aren’t tightly screened. Another trick is to make sure your bed is away from the wall.
Spiders are nocturnal, so they are not likely to be in your bedroom during the day. They are also highly receptive to vibrations. Putting a jar of cinnamon around your window is a great way to discourage spiders from scurrying in.
Although spiders are not typically bloodsuckers, they can bite humans if they get stuck inside your pajamas or bedding. In some cases, spiders can crawl across your sleeping body and even bite you.
It is possible to be bitten by a spider while you are asleep, but it is very rare. You might find yourself waking up with a rash or red, itchy bumps on your skin. Typically, the bumps are caused by non-bite diseases.
While spiders don’t usually bite humans, they can get trapped in pajamas, bedding, or your mattress. It is a good idea to shake your bed linens before going to bed.