At What Heat Temperature Do Spiders Die?
When it comes to surviving the cold winter months, spiders are surprisingly hardy creatures. There are several different methods that they use to stay alive in the cold, and they’re all effective.
They produce a chemical in their bodies that lowers their body temperature. This compound is similar to antifreeze. The protein in the chemical helps them survive the cold, as well as keeping their blood from freezing. The glycol in the compounds also serves as a natural antifreeze.
Spiders have an excellent memory, so they can adapt to change and stay warm. They don’t move from warm to cold, as humans do, but they stay in their same locations until warmer weather arrives. If they happen to get trapped in a cold, wet environment, they’ll try to get indoors. Some species migrate to more comfortable environments, such as under rocks.
Other spiders hibernate. These arachnids can live for months without food or moisture. They use their insulated burrows and egg sacs to survive the winter. They also produce a liquid catalyst inside their bodies that helps them stay warm.
When it gets really cold, some spiders enter diapause. Diapause is the same as hibernation. They slow down their movements and produce polyhydroxy alcohol, which helps them stay warm. They may emerge on warmer days to hunt for food.
Some spiders will re-emerge on warmer days, while others will stay in the burrow or egg sac. The species of spiders that are able to live in sub-zero temperatures include crab spiders, nursery spiders, and Parasteatoda tepidariorum.